PSQL Commands Cheat Sheet

Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for PSQL command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.

What is PSQL command?

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        # psql is the PostgreSQL terminal interface. The following commands were tested on version 9.5.
# Connection options:
# -U username (if not specified current OS user is used).
# -p port.
# -h server hostname/address.

# Connect to a specific database:
psql -U  -h  -d 

# Get databases on a server:
psql -U  -h  --list

# Execute sql query and save output to file:
psql -U  -d  -c 'select * from tableName;' -o 

# Execute query and get tabular html output:
psql -U  -d  -H -c 'select * from tableName;'

# Execute query and save resulting rows to csv file:
# (if column names in the first row are not needed, remove the word 'header')
psql -U  -d  -c 'copy (select * from tableName) to stdout with csv header;' -o 

# Read commands from file:
psql -f 

# Restore databases from file:
psql -f  

Check out the PSQL command documentation .

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