NMCLI Commands Cheat Sheet

Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for NMCLI command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.

What is NMCLI command?

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tags: [ networking ]
# Connect to a wireless access point - Parameters:
# 	 -- the name of your wireless interface
#	 -- the SSID of the access point
#	 -- the WiFi password
nmcli d wifi connect  password  iface 

# Disconnect from WiFi - Parameters:
#	 -- the name of your wireless interface
nmcli d wifi disconnect iface 

# Get WiFi status (enabled / disabled)
nmcli radio wifi

# Enable / Disable WiFi
nmcli radio wifi 

# Show all available WiFi access points
nmcli dev wifi list

# Refresh the available WiFi connection list
nmcli dev wifi rescan

# Show all available connections
nmcli con

# Show only active connections
nmcli con show --active

# Review the available devices
nmcli dev status

# Add a dynamic ethernet connection - parameters:
#	 -- the name of the connection
#	 -- the name of the interface
nmcli con add type ethernet con-name  ifname 

# Import OpenVPN connection settings from file:
nmcli con import type openvpn file 

# Bring up the ethernet connection
nmcli con up 

# Show WiFi password and QR code
nmcli dev wifi show

Check out the NMCLI command documentation .

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