NCAT Commands Cheat Sheet
Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for NCAT command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.
What is NCAT command?
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# Connect mode (ncat is client) | default port is 31337 ncat[ ] # Listen mode (ncat is server) | default port is 31337 ncat -l [ ] [ ] # Transfer file (closes after one transfer) ncat -l [ ] [ ] < file # Transfer file (stays open for multiple transfers) ncat -l --keep-open [ ] [ ] < file # Receive file ncat [ ] [ ] > file # Brokering | allows for multiple clients to connect ncat -l --broker [ ] [ ] # Listen with SSL | many options, use ncat --help for full list ncat -l --ssl [ ] [ ] # Access control ncat -l --allow ncat -l --deny # Proxying ncat --proxy [: ] --proxy-type {http | socks4} [ ] # Chat server | can use brokering for multi-user chat ncat -l --chat [ ] [ ]
Check out the NCAT command documentation .
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