MARKDOWN Commands Cheat Sheet

Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for MARKDOWN command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.

What is MARKDOWN command?

Add some data here

        # blockquotes
> first level and paragraph
>> second level and first paragraph
> first level and second paragraph

# collapsed text
To create a collapsible section (collapsed by default) showing the text "Collapsed Item Title", use this:
Collapsed Item Title

Collapsed content

Other collapsed content.

# lists Sub-bullets can be done with 2+ spaces or 1 tab ## unordered - use *, +, or - * Red * sub-bullet * sub-sub-bullet * Green - sub with dash + sub with plus * Blue ## ordered 1. First 1. First sub-item <-- this is the best supported format 2. Second * Unordered <-- this also appears to be a widely supported format 3. Third a. Lettered <-- there is mixed support for this format 4. Fourth i. using roman numerals <-- there is mixed support for this format ii. more stuff ## check list There is limited support for rendering check lists: - [ ] incomplete task - [ ] incomplete sub-task - [x] complete sub-task - [x] complete task ## code block with 4 spaces/1 tab regular text code code code ## code block with syntax support or a code block (optionally specifying the language, more details here: ```shell alias ltr='ls -ltr' alias latr='ls -latr' ``` # hr's (horizontal rules) - three or more of the following *** # links The "Title" is optional This is [an example]( "Title") inline link. # image ![Alt Text](/path/to/file.png) # formatting Italic: *em* _em_ Bold: **strong** __strong__ ~~strikethrough~~

Check out the MARKDOWN command documentation .

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