AWK Commands Cheat Sheet

Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for AWK command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.

What is AWK command?

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        # Print the fifth column (a.k.a. field) in a space-separated file:
awk '{print $5}' filename

# Print the second column of the lines containing "foo" in a space-separated file:
awk '/foo/ {print $2}' filename

# Print the last column of each line in a file, using a comma (instead of space) as a field separator:
awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' filename

# Sum the values in the first column of a file and print the total:
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' filename

# Print every third line starting from the first line:
awk 'NR%3==1' filename

# Print different values based on conditions:
awk '{if ($1 == "foo") print "Exact match foo"; else if ($1 ~ "bar") print "Partial match bar"; else print "Baz"}' filename

# Print all lines where the 10th column value equals the specified value:
awk '($10 == value)'

# Print all the lines which the 10th column value is between a min and a max:
awk '($10 >= min_value && $10 <= max_value)'

Check out the AWK command documentation .

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