ALIAS Commands Cheat Sheet

Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for ALIAS command, you can use this as a quick reminder for basic commands with a brief description for each of the commands.

What is ALIAS command?

Creates aliases -- words that are replaced by a command string.
Aliases expire with the current shell session unless defined in the shell's configuration file, e.g. `~/.bashrc`.
# List all aliases:

# Create a generic alias:
alias word="command"

# View the command associated to a given alias:
alias word

# Remove an aliased command:
unalias word

# Turn `rm` into an interactive command:
alias rm="rm --interactive"

# Create `la` as a shortcut for `ls --all`:
alias la="ls --all"

Check out the ALIAS command documentation .

You can also check our MegaSh cheatsheet tool, that has 150+ searchable linux cheat sheets in one page, so you never forget a command as you work again

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